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Urban AI Art

Creative fusion of man & machine

Proprietary AI developed for Urban AI Art combines visual elements of Lahtinen's Metropolis series into a new never-ending image stream. The underlying artwork depicts fictional cities where the artist has integrated existing elements that are in reality located in different parts of each city. AI generates new versions of them in real time, making the fictitious urban landscape even more fictitious and irrational, increasingly distanced from reality, an imagination in cyberspace.

Urban AI Art makes you think about the role of artificial intelligence in creative work. The machine only has the power to produce art because of the works fed in it. It chooses from pieces, whereas the artist decides which images reflect a desired artistic meaning. The artist finds the "gold nuggets" from the ever-flowing image stream.

A total of 100 pieces of art, curated by the artist from the AI-generated stream, will be minted to the collection over time.

Créé le
Mar 2023
Revenus de création
En pause