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Tropix Genesis Culmination Piece NFTs

Tropix Genesis NFTs are the first ever NFT collection by Tropix, which tells the story of the beginnings of my life finding my forever passion with my Tropix project as an artist and its evolution throughout the last 10 years.

A culmination piece of all 10 years will be created and raffled randomly to the public for a purchase private sale price of 0.1 ETH. The quantity of this drop will be 50 total.

Tropix Genesis Website

Tropix Genesis 1-of-1 Story NFTs

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This collection also features 10 1-of-1 unique auction pieces in collaboration with talented artists and creators who help tell each year of my life through the means of visual and audio storytelling representation.

There will be only 60 total Tropix Genesis NFTs

Créé le
Jun 2022
Revenus de création
  • Years: 2013-2022