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Tree Rings


THESIS: Even on mundane walks or trivial hikes, beauty can be found. Sometimes, it requires paying attention to the details of a fall leaf, a trickling brook, or an unusual stone. Sometimes, it requires good timing, catching the sunset or the Milky Way in the right spot. And sometimes... it requires creativity.

ORIGIN: I was editing a circular star trails shot in July 2021, and I thought to myself: "Why do astrophotographers get to have all the fun? What if I made star trails out of something else?" Thus, the idea for this collection was born.

EXECUTION: On dozens of hikes, I brought my camera and took thousands of "leaf-trails" shots, perfecting slow shutter and precisely circular camera motion (it's harder than it looks). Eventually I got a feel for which canopies would look great in-camera, and which wouldn't. I waited for Fall to capture some of the most vibrant!

EDITS: All images individually edited to showcase variety, color, and uniqueness!

Créé le
Oct 2021
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Country: United states of america