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transdigital blues

“Transdigital Blues” is a presentation of the emotional states we transverse through during our transformation from our analog self into our future digital self.

Each digital painting is a unique, one-of-a-kind multimedia loop that captures the essence of the emotional state it represents. We focus on the emotions that result from the forced behavioral change, fatigue, and a yearning for peace after years of battling for the American Dream. Life is tension and release.

Designed for engagement and enjoyment in the wallet or on the wall. Each 1 of 1 genesis emotional state comes with unlockable Apple ProRes .mov high-resolution file (500MB-2.5GB each) so that the maximum engagement can be experienced larger than life and in the full-size resolution of 3744 × 4992.

10% of net sales will be donated to support a mental-health-related cause.

Artist: DJ Journey X Ravin Dave

Créé le
Mar 2021
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Energy: 9 to 9