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Tradable Tokens of Time

This is an experiment in time. TTTs allow the rights to a service (i.e. consulting hours, freelance projects etc.) to be traded between parties. It allows the act of a referral to be granted an economic monetary value to help reduce service providers win more work more efficiently.

A TTT has the right to an underlying service specified on it, minted by a service provider (i.e. the consultant, freelancer etc). The minter specifies a minimum flow of value that must accrue to them in a primary or secondary transaction (via royalty) for the right to be exercised by the buyer. If the price or royalty is too low, the right cannot be exercised. A buyer can only exercise the right once; it is refreshed when the TTT is sold on.

The buyer gets to recoup their initial investment or make a profit when buying a service via a TTT. A minter gets a more efficient referral channel that is economically incentivised.

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Créé le
Sep 2021
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