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These Words Like Daggers

These Words Like Daggers (TWLD) is a tokenized art project celebrating, spreading, and representing the value of the words that have been, are, and will continue to change the world.

Each series will be centered around a different theme, and contain 8 copies of 8 pieces (subject to change; open to feedback!) that expresses, intersects with, and/or complicates the theme and related ideas.

A portion of sales from each series will go to (a) specific channel(s) for creating more social impact and change beyond the spread of ideas (particularly focused on climate action, mental health, and education, but hope to also give to causes that are dear to the community in future).

Future roadmap items include tokenizing short stories / book covers as a means of crowdfunding and properly compensating authors, collaborations with other communities highlighting how they are creating change or driving impact, and possibly venturing into the audio space as well.

Éléments uniques
Total des éléments
Créé le
Jun 2021
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Letter tiles: U, k , l, g