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The Koreans 1945

The Koreans is a collection of 1,945 generative NFTs that depicts iconic features of Korean culture, while paying homage to the most iconic NFT project of all time - the CryptoPunks.

On August 15, 1945, Korea was liberated from the forces of colonialism and its sovereignty was restored. To commemorate this fact, we have chosen to mint 1,945 Koreans on August 15.

The Koreans were free to mint, and most of the secondary sale royalties generated by the project will go towards supporting up-and-coming artists and projects in web 3. The rare 1-of-1s were made using the most iconic looks from Korean culture, and the parts were designed to be reminiscent of the everyday Koreans you’d meet in your daily commutes.

We hope that we can do our part in accelerating the adoption of web 3 culture in Korea, while simultaneously introducing our culture to the rest of web 3. So help spread a little love with us, Korean-style ❤️

Créé le
Aug 2022
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