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The Journey of Sensation

The Journey of Sensation

I call this Sensation.

This collection will tell the journey of Sensation. First, we burned “Rebellion of Red” then it summoned the Sensation in a silver form in the KEY token. As you can see, it’s trying to get through the portal. Yes, the Rebellion of Red has reincarnated into a Sensation.

The KEY token is a key all the way. It has the power to follow all the steps of a journey. There will be 12 footsteps in the journey of Sensation. Ups and downs. Goods and bads. The KEY token is what you need to get all 12 drops in 2023 for free.

Reincarnation was a painful process. Those who shared Red's pain, assisted Red in reincarnating as Sensation. In total, 139 Rebellion of Red were born, and 98 were burned to keep KEY alive. There are only 49 KEYs in the “Journey of Sensation” world. The KEY’s first function is to unlock all 12 steps of the journey. But that’s not the only function of KEY…

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Créé le
Dec 2022
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