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The Gaussian Protocol

The inaugural set of on-chain Gaussian random numbers used as a crypto primative to provide RNG to NFT metaverse.

The ~𝒩(10,4) series features an on-chain generated and stored set of 8 random numbers whose rarity follows a Gaussian distribution with a mean (𝜇) of 10 and variance (σ²) of 4. The evenness of this distribution enables the existence of both rare low values as well as rare high values. When creatives and developers choose to seed their generative work with the Gaussian Protocol, they can focus on what's important and rely on the intrinsic probabilities to determine their project's trait rarity.

This series of numbers are unpredictably generated during each mint. Additionally, the contract contains a public function that anyone can freely use at any time to generate new numbers from this same distribution to be used at they see fit - gas free.

Inspired by: Loot, The N Project, and the universe.

Créé le
Sep 2021
Revenus de création
En pause
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