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The Freedom Cocktails

Hiveon has developed the NFT series "The Freedom Cocktails" The Ukrainians faced terrible events: the brutal invasion of the Russian Federation. But the cruelty of Russia united the free people with a single goal: to defend the Motherland shoulder to shoulder no matter what. The Ukrainians met the enemy with Molotov cocktails, adding secret ingredients: inviolability, strong spirit, commitment, courage, honesty, nobleness, fearlessness, willpower, freedom, and balls of steel. Ukrainians, you left no chances for the invaders! The Hiveon teammates created the tokens on the frontlines of the invasion, as most of us live in Ukraine and are experiencing the full horror of war right now.
All the funds raised by us for NFT "The Freedom Cocktails" will be directed to humanitarian aid and the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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Créé le
Mar 2022
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