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Swamp Stars

Swamp Stars is about putting the politicians in YOUR pockets.

Swamp Stars is a collection of 8,880 portraits existing on the Ethereum blockchain, depicting 32 notable American political figures – each possessing a completely unique configuration of hand-drawn accessories and features.

It's your turn to be the lobbyist.

Mint a Swamp Star and support Crypto, 20% of all profits will be donated directly to a Crypto Super PAC. We believe that the future of Crypto will be bright if we align our politicians incentives with our own.

Join the first online political role-playing game.

Swamp Stars Fantasy is a community role-playing campaign where players vote on and play out their political fantasies through their Swamp Stars. Learn more on our website

Créé le
Dec 2021
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Pin: Pride pin