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String Theory

String Theory is a generative art homage to Jackson Pollock. The lines in String Theory meander across the canvas and turn as they approach edges. Animation shows the layers being applied starting with thick blobs and lines, and ending with thin lines and dots, and a possibility of an additional paper texture. Other attributes include the overall form type, line transparency, the line starting direction and the line outline. There are 32 possible color palettes.

The project is made with 100% code using the p5.js library and finishes with a grain shader made by Dave Pagurek, Gorilla Sun, and their colleagues.

To save a 6000 x 4500 pixel png, view the token's page on Artgene, click on the canvas, and then press "s."

Steve's Makerspace has published several successful projects on fxhash, and he makes how-to gen-art videos on YouTube, with 4,600 subscribers. His mission is to inspire gen artists to share their gold with the world.

The project was minted on

Créé le
Jul 2023
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