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Stellabelle is an artist, writer, metaverse architect and founder of Slothicorn, one of the first creative commons cryptoartist collectives in 2017. Current project: CryptoStellas The lethal combination of greed and mediocrity in the NFT world has given birth to CryptoStellas, the alpha PFP project of 2021 by brilliant OG cryptoartist Stellabelle. Each CryptoStella is hand-painted and there will only ever be 777 of them. Ownership of a CryptoStella instantly grants you access to an exclusive club of sublime souls. All art is backed up on Arweave, the permanent web. CryptoStellas is a CC0 public domain NFT project. “You deserve the best PFP, the very best PFP, because you are one of the few people in this lousy world who are honest to themselves, and that is the only thing that really counts in the world of PFPs.” CryptoStella

Créé le
Feb 2022
Revenus de création
  • Habit: Throwing soup on paintings