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SketchiesNFT is a collection of 5,555 unique digital collectibles created by BISQA. SketchiesNFT is focused around building our community on a foundation of love and progress for all! By holding at least one SketchiesNFT, you will receive 1 NFT from our upcoming 10k DAO NFT collection; as well as many other yet-to-be-revealed benefits that will develop as we grow and expand TOGETHER :)

There will be a 10% royalty on all SKTCH trades until 1,000 Ethereum trading volume is reached. 50% of all royalties will go into a DAO wallet for the upcoming 10k NFT DAO Collection (Name yet to be revealed). The remaining 50% of royalties will be used for personal and business purposes. Once 1,000 ETH trading volume is reached, Royalties will be lowered to 5%, and equally distributed between the two wallets.

Créé le
Jun 2022
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Balaklava: Grey