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Shared Folder (Red box)

POI Finch: “You are being watched. The government has a secret system: a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I know, because I built it… “ …maybe the government doesn’t need the machine… you are sharing your intimacy without even knowing and anyone can access it with a 35$ machine.

Back in 2015 I asked myself: what could found photography be like in the digital age? I created Shared Folder (Red Box) in 2016.

Since the motivation was a purely theoretical one, what I found was very concerning.

This collection consists of a series of aesthetically eye-catching images that may help direct our mind towards questioning privacy in today’s network life.

Éléments uniques
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Créé le
Apr 2021
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Technique: Found photography