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S Passport - Soft On Demand

🚀SOD Portal is a new journey by Soft on Demand toward the Global Market🚀

Our Platform will become a bridge between SOD’s On & Offline services. The Platform will sequentially launch Model NFTs, Live Streaming and OTT, and various services. We wish to create an environment where Model and SOD’s Fan can connect and communicate, where traditional service couldn't. And we will build the community together with global users: beginning with our S Passport❤ If you hold an S Passport, you can get the right to vote on the service directions as the Platform is being developed. This feature empowers our community to voice their opinions through the S passport.

Also, you will get first-hand and exclusive experiences when we go live with these services. Not only this, but you will receive opportunities to participate in events that no other services can provide.

Be part of S Passport as we pave a new way in this endeavor🌠

Créé le
May 2022
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Face expression: Rd hurt