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Ragnark Green by Adrien Mauduit

Chasing the aurora borealis demands a lot of time, dedication, knowledge, relentlessness, and resilience. The holy grail of aurora chasing and photography is the rare, elusive auroral expansion: the aurora explodes in bright and colorful dancing bands and pillars that end up engulfing the whole sky. As this fleeting moment usually lasts for less than 5 minutes, capturing it demands a great deal of skill, luck, knowledge, and concentration. The aurora is so bright and fast that one second difference can give you a totally different aurora shape in a different part of the sky (where your camera isn’t).

I named this first series of rare auroral explosions ‘Ragnarök Green’, as it really transcribes the sheer violence delivered by the hard shocks and collisions between particles from our Sun and those of the Earth. Just like the last battle between the Viking gods and demons in the legends, the Ragnarök of green auroras is the ultimate showdown in the long Arctic night.

Collectors will all receive the corresponding full-resolution TIFF or Jpeg file. I will randomly select one collector to receive a complimentary timelapse version (mp4) corresponding to their piece. Two other lucky collectors to be airdropped a free version of my Aurora Chasing iBook. Finally, the first person to collect a piece will win the possibility of a full evening/night of aurora chasing with me in the Tromsø area (Norway).

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Créé le
May 2022
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  • Special foreground element: Troll mountains