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Proof of Friendship

These are certificates Uncle Matt made to show he appreciates his really good friends.

I have had the incredibly fortunate opportunity to develop close, personal friendships with each one of them and and my life is better off for having the privilege of calling them my friends. I love you all, and hope you have a very good life, because you deserve it for being you. <3

Please don't ask to join. It ruins my fun of being able to invite friends. There's a discord.

There's nothing there but a bunch of emojis, and a chat channel to say hello to all our friends. Only relax talk. No Stress, Or Else.

I am doing these all manually to personalize them, and I wait for low gas. Plus I get to them whenever. If you KNOW you should be on the list and haven't gotten your certificate yet, you most likely are, and I just haven't gotten to it yet. I thank you for your patience.

Créé le
Feb 2023
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Uncle: Matt