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Portrayes, the pfp series by @naehrstff.

Specials collection "4 EYED YACHT CLUB"

I am sort of a portrait artist since I can think back. I used to draw portraits when I was in school to supplement my pocket money. And the eyes have always been my absolute favorite part. Not always the easiest, but the one that gave me the most pleasure and also the one with which I always start drawing a face.

Ever since I dove into the world of NFTs, my heart has been with the 1/1s. But nevertheless I also find many pfp-projects super exciting and beautiful and would like to try here to unite the 1/1s and pfps in and with my art. Each of the images here is a unique piece, digitally hand drawn and colored. I will pick up as many types of faces, hairstyles and other features as possible.But always with four eyes and never copy pasted.

x Flo

Créé le
Feb 2022
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