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Ineffective PM - Transferred to 0x474E8C2730D9b5DCC3E0077ffbe82381D89C4389

PlanetMan NFT collection has been transferred to contract address 0x474E8C2730D9b5DCC3E0077ffbe82381D89C4389. Holders who have purchased NFT from secondary market (acquired from free mint is excluded) && who are still active in the MetaX SocialVerse system (still have valid wallet, twitter & discord connected) will be able to get a new PlanetMan NFT with similar value of rarity compared to the final purchase price. Noted that this offer is live till 24:00 July 31st, 2023, the end of MetaX Final Test. If you don’t have valid wallet, twitter & discord connected, please do so and contact us with proof before the deadline. Otherwise, you are considered to be actively forgo this airdrop.

Créé le
Nov 2022
Revenus de création
  • Background: Blue