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Parthenon and the 231 Gates of Knowledge

Parthenon and the 231 Gates of Knowledge via the connecting 22 points, 231 lines.

The 231 lines connecting the 22 letters are the 231 Gates all via the Architect Man that build the Parthenon from it all.

Symmetry is everywhere the mind and the cosmos meet via buildings, it helps when

La créativité est l'intelligence en jeu.

Is part of the act of combining, to join, to permutate as in alter the sequence or arrangement

It uses language to cut through its structure and enables super rational realm quickly.

Its aim is at disorientation following repeated pronunciation of now meaningless phrase.

Out of that comes "meaning beyond meaning.”:

In combination with specific breathing techniques and contemplation on body centers

meditation on letter produces ecstasy almost immediately, and get you to the church on time

Élément unique
Total des éléments
Créé le
Oct 2021
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