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Nikolina Kovalenko - Utopian Reefscapes

Nikolina Kovalenko's "Utopian Reefscapes" address the effects of climate change on the health of the ocean’s corals. 20% of each NFT primary sale donated to Coral Reef Alliance (, our philanthropy partner! In 2019 the artist began photographing coral reefs as jumping off point for her oil paintings. The artist's imagined "Utopian Reefscapes" depict an ocean of abundance, where corals of all shapes and colors thrive. These underwater Gardens of Eden take viewers to a world where one can’t tell reality from fiction. “I’m hopeful these paintings will inspire viewers to feel joy, awe, curiosity – and a shared sense of stewardship toward our beautiful, fragile planet,” says Kovalenko. For each oil painting in the exhibition, a special limited edition of 4 (3 + 1 A/P kept by artist) "reflection NFT experience” was created, with 20% of each NFT purchase being donated to the Coral Reef Alliance ( Thank you!

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Créé le
Sep 2021
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Series: Breath