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Welcome to the world of NFTSharpshooters! NFTSharpshooters are 14 unique NFT collectible 8-bit gifs of basketball cards in a fictional basketball league. Each NFTSharpshooter is individually made, vary by appearance, statistics and skill, and can only be owned by a single person.

The first purchase of every NFTSharpshooter includes an actual NBA card that will be sent to you!

NFTSharpshooters were the genesis collection of Bdan2599, the founder of GangstaBet, Panda Bamboo Society and Terra Angels. If you purchased an NFTSharpshooter, please message Brandon on Twitter in order to receive your NBA card.

Éléments uniques
Total des éléments
Créé le
Mar 2021
Revenus de création
  • Arm sleeve: None