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CryptoCards - Memecoin set

Animal Coins, Food Coins, Meme Coins, ShitCoins? Some of them made it, some of them didnt, Some pulled the rug right from under youre feet. Whatever you call them and you cannot deny that the MemeCoin run of 2021 has been the greatest yet and there is still plenty more to come!

⚠️ONLY 250 of each card Minted!

Cards are priced on holders rewarding early adopters

First 10 holders - 0.001Ξ

10-50 holders - 0.004Ξ

50-100 holders - 0.01Ξ

100-200 holders 0.02Ξ

Last 50cards - 0.1Ξ

Base Set Also Available!

only the best /biz/ tokens Featuring the top BSC and UNIswap memecoins

$SCAT Sad Cat Token, - $GRUMPY Finance, - $GOOSE Finance, - $DOGIRA, - $FEG, - $SAFEMOON, - $ROCKET BUNNY, - $MCDC Mcdonalds Coin, - $BOG Bogged Finance, - $RUBIC,- $BAO Finance, - $HOGE Finance, - $WYNAUT, - $NYJA Nigerian Prince, - $FROGE,

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Éléments uniques
Total des éléments
Créé le
Apr 2021
Revenus de création
En pause