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1650 NeonFlufs stored on the Ethereum blockchain, each hand-crafted by 10 leading NFT Artists. 150 unique designs, traits and personalities, some of them pretty trippy & psychedelic tbh! :) 1/10 Limited Editions 1/25 Rare Editions. Holders include Snoop & Pammy Hilton.

You won't find a cooler Wing-Fluf than a NeonFluf for your next crazy night out! NeonFlufs are Original Remixes of Fluf World NFT Collection (

Created by and in collaboration with Jonny Caplan (FutureSurfer), Tom Laroc, Ishita (SoulCurryArt), Yossi Kotler Art, Shadi Shaay, Jafeth (AllYourLittleFaces), Jimena Buena Vida, Dr. Lemny, ArtBtJaqui, Jake-Andrew Nason, NFT BAZL +.

Owners granted access to the NEONFLUFS Collectors Club, to be notified ahead of public launch of future drops, collections and events.

NeonFlufs will feature on We don't do discord, its full of spammers!

10% of all sales go to charitable causes. Official Marketplace:

Éléments uniques
Total des éléments
Créé le
Sep 2021
Revenus de création
  • Limited edition: 1 of 10