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Nebular World S1

The Nebular collection is an exclusive collection of 2222 versions genesis named the Catwalk. They came from the Andromeda Galaxy to start a new life with us humans!

You will soon have the opportunity to own one of them! But first, check all the good things the Catwalk has to offer. In addition to own a Catwalk NFT, Nebular is soon to be an app which will allow investors, oracles and anyone who is passionate about NFT and crypto to be in contact with each other.

This social media intends to promote anyone who wants to realize a project. Investors, Oracles and project holders will each have their own roles. Let’s not forget about the burning system that you will have to take into consideration at the time of the mint. A burning system real-time will be set up and you will have to respect the sale price according to the day until the burning will be lifted. The calendar and more informations are on the website, go check that!

Créé le
May 2022
Revenus de création
  • Catwalk color: Space cadet