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Still Life by Ada Crow

"Naturaleza Muerta" is a collection of 30 unique images by photographer Ada Crow.

Still life is a unique genre of photography. One thing that makes it so special is that often the subjects are not very interesting. They are just ordinary objects that you wouldn't normally pay much attention to.

By experimenting with different arrangements, lighting and compositions, I try to bring the elements to life.

1st Drop 9/19/21 at 20:00 h (CEST) - 10 still lifes (Sold Out)

2st Drop 9/25/21 at 20:00 h (CEST) - 10 still lifes (Sold Out in presale)

3st Drop 10/02/21 at 20:00 h (CEST) - 10 still lifes (Sold out)

Raffle holders: 10/09/21 at 20:00 h (CEST) Het melkmeisje - Winning still life #20

Naturaleza Muerta #30 will be sent to whoever gets the first secondary sale.

Créé le
Sep 2021
Revenus de création
En pause