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Muzi club

MUZI; 6,597 NFTs art with the beauty and elements of traditional Chinese culture can be found in MUZI's character. MUZI aim to pass on the tradition of Chinese culture, knowledge, technologies and even the economy to the Chinese community around the world. In order to achieve the goal and overcome the geographical limitations, Muzi recognizes the potential of Metaverse and Muzi team is working on bringing Muzi into Metaverse to meet the world!

Holding Muzi NFTs not just simply about passing on the traditional culture, it also brings you various exclusive benefits such as having the privilege offer from our collaborating partners, invitation to Muzi business banquet, access to Muzi member-only clubhouse, Metaverse profit sharing and many many more!

Créé le
Aug 2022
Revenus de création
En pause
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