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Modern Light (Fine Art Architectural Photography)

Each image in this collection here is a piece of art that is passionately crafted and painted, spent hours and days to bring the best out of them.

Taking a long exposure shot on a cloudy day in Dubai or UAE is itself a challenge as you hardly see any clouds throughout the year in this part of the world.

Then comes the editing part which is very time-consuming for such an outcome. The process of editing these long exposure shots is totally unique. Using the pen tool, hard selections are made of different elements in the image. Sometimes these selections take days if you have to make too many selections. Later using these selections while playing with the darks (shadows) and lights (highlights) the final envisioned version of the image is brought forward. Finally, you feel happy and more confident with all the time and efforts you spent to create the masterpiece.

  • 1/1 photographs by Waheed Akhtar
Créé le
Feb 2022
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Rights: Extended editorial