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"MMMME" is a chimera with four eyes, a fusion of human and cat. Please call them "Meh." (Meh means "eye" in Japanese)
They are also a alter ego, a representation of oneself (ME). Their fur patterns, stylish hairstyle and dresses, facial expressions and makeup are all unique to each individual.

Although the name was given, please give it another name as you like. It's like welcoming a cat into your family. * MMMME exist in the real world and can also travel to another world through mirrors.

In the real world, MMMME apprear in a mirror and canvas work that adopted a new patented technology called TabbyPrint. The pupils of the MMMME's eyes have a cross to breathe life into, and each cross pattern is as unique as a human fingerprint and can be used to identify each indivisual. MMMME will also appear on three-dinemntional works.

Owners of MMMME NFTs will be the first to receive updates on MMMME. They will also expand their world, going b

Créé le
Jan 2023
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