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MetaPunk MintPass

MetaPunk MintPass is a collection with max supply of 2222 NFTs.

MetaPunk MintPass is NOT AFFILIATED in any way to any other NFT Project or organization.

Each NFT is a mintpass that may be burnt in order to mint the Mojo Perk mentioned in its properties. Examples: official ticket to an event (in-person or virtual), physical book claim, Meta Punk as podcast guest and other UTILITY options.

The hard deadline for the "burn into perk option" is 22.2.2025. From 23.2.2025 the NFT's in this collection will be collectible tokens that live on the Ethereum blockchain and will not be burnable for perks.

Multiple MPMP's, or certain MPMP full sets, may be burnt to upgrade to a new NFT with possibly perkier perk.

Éléments uniques
Total des éléments
Créé le
Feb 2022
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Gen: 0