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Original Royalty Free Music and 3D ART Kushnadas has been creating art since late 1980s. Kush spent most of his life both in the pursuit of artistic expression and peaceful existence with the land around him. Check out all his links HERE

What is MetaMushroom? MetaMushroom is a lightweight digital entertainment collectable meant to be played on your virtual or terrestrial gallery. It contains cutting edge 3D CG along with custom beats composed entirely by the artist and a team of collaborators.

Are they Collectors Items? YES! The collectors items are minted in limited quantities and can be strung together to create longer musical tracks putting YOU in the arrangers chair.

What Else Can I do with MetaMushroom? MetaMushroom can be traded, or sold. MetaMushroom can be displayed publicly. MetaMushroom makes a GREAT GIFT!

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Créé le
Feb 2021
Revenus de création
  • Skill: Taekwondo master