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Marie On Heart's Psychedelic Flowers

Deep in the heart of Panama, Marie-Claire Pérez Hammerschlag (going by the artists’ name Marie OnHeart) is debuting her premier collection of 420 psychedelic flower NFTs! The collection will be released via the Physital NFT Art Gallery, adding yet more lush and psychedelic art to this epicenter of naturalistic NFT art. Marie OH has been creating her art since the pandemic era and has already won multiple awards, including a second-place finish in the Apollo contest from ALAF, an honorable mention in the Roberto Lewis contest, and a Canva Design Challenge. Her recent digital work explores the boundaries of form and linearity with chaotic, iridescent, and wavy lines that showcase the plurality of being and reflect her personality. These flowers will then act as the centerpiece collection that will offer the possibility to claim a physical medium of high-quality print. Three unique NFTs will have one free claim!

Créé le
Oct 2022
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