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Machine Dreams by Dean Blacc

Machine Dreams is an exploration of how colors impact us, expressed with a diffused effect that displays Dean Blacc’s technical mastery of generative watercolor.

Within color theory, certain colors are believed to generally evoke similar emotional responses. German poet Wolfgang Johann von Goethe inscribed human-understandable descriptions into the color wheel, connecting psychology and color in a framework that continues to resonate today in art, philosophy, media, and design.

Dean Blacc rebuilds colors from the wheel as abstract watercolor fields, and overlays them with an almost runic script, quick scribbles or annotations, similar to an artist’s private notes. Machine Dreams is an elegant, minimalist work that speaks to the colors’ intended reaction through gentle and ephemeral forms, keeping our conscious grasp of the explanation just barely out of our reach.

Créé le
Oct 2023
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  • Doc style: Cursive