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Leonel Moura

Leonel Moura is a pioneer in the application of robotics and artificial intelligence in art. In 2001 he created the first robot arm able to generate unique paintings operate by an ‘ant algorithm’. Since then, he has produced several artbots, each time more autonomous and sophisticated. RAP (Robotic Action Painter), is displayed since 2007 at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Also in 2007, he opened the Robotarium, the first zoo dedicated to robots and artificial life. NEO, a swarm of robots, performed in 2020 at UCCA, Beijing in the exhibition “Immaterial/Re-material. A Brief History of Computing Art”.Since the summer of 2019, he has an installation of 17 virus-like Augmented Reality sculptures in several locations of the city of Lisbon. It was a premonitory enterprise. In 2009 he was appointed European Ambassador for Creativity and Innovation by the European Commission. Leonel Moura promotes a new kind of art based on machine creativity.

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May 2021
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