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In the early 2000s, scientists predicted that the world would become an uninhabitable place in 2100 due to global climate change. They started to search for alternative places in the universe where humans could live. They discovered that elsewhere outside the Milky Way Galaxy, a planet codenamed V77 had similar conditions to Earth. In 2049, 120 volunteers for colonization were selected from all over the world. In order to withstand the 3-year space journey and the radiation they will be exposed to, they were given training and medical supplements for two years. In 2051, the volunteers started the journey to the planet V77 with the New Paradise spacecraft. The mission was going smooth, but on the 613th day everything changed. New Paradise collided with a meteorite, resulting in severe mechanical failures. The spacecraft had to make an emergency landing on an unknown planet. The communication with Earth was lost.

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Créé le
Sep 2021
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  • Occupation on earth: Company owner