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The Kasia Alexiou Collection 1

Kasia Alexiou, multidisciplinary artist was born in Poland, graduated Fashion and Industrial Design in Academy of Fine Art in Lodz. Kasia is based in Surrey and has been dedicated to her passion for painting , drawing, sculpting and industrial design for the last two decades. Lately exploring her interest in digital art. Her large scale mist ink paintings illustrate delicacy and subtle their inner world of possible existe nature. Flowing shapes imitates organic structures. Her abstract artscapes are full of calmness and composure. Kasia's paintings are a mixture of Western culture and traditional oriental ink influences. Her abstract pictures are a reflection of fleeting, and at the same time subconscious, intangible impressions that delicately touch the real world. 'I wanted to create something silent and tranquil rather than forcibly flashy and provocative. Her paintings consist of mainly biological shapes with an irregular rhythm in cold, monochromatic tones. Their delicate exist

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Feb 2023
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