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Karma Cats

A daughter/father collaboration. To practice digital art (daughter) and to learn about NFTs (father). Total collection of 1000 cats.

Based off NFTBirds ( GIthub Repo Walkthrough:

My daughter (15) loves and and wanted to get her stuff out there, and I wanted to play around with NFTs a bit more --

She designed the 24x23 pixel art; yep, we forgot one, but then added in an extra right hand row at the end to make them 24x24!

The as far as colors, and styles, Python3 generated the styling and colors of each, and we picked the "Alert Cat" cat as the most common @ ~75% chance of mint. Then "Curious Cat" @ ~15% chance, "Sus(pect) Cat" at ~6%. Followed by "Surprise Cat" at ~4.99%. And finally the elusive "Cocka Cat" (a nod to the NFTBird namesake which is part Cockatiel and part Cat!) coming in at a 5/1000 chance of minting.

As of 2021Aug28 a CockaCat hasn't minted yet in the first 100 --but keep an eye out!

Éléments uniques
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Créé le
Aug 2021
Revenus de création
En pause
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