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Jagual music collection

Leaving big European cities, JAGUAL settles down in Costa Rica in 2012, being progressively impregnated by the vibration of the jungle and disappears completely in nature.

Little by little a unique sound emerges : cosmic electronic music. Sacred music from spirit world, deep meditation, yoga, cosmic cycles, fractals, sacred geometry, shamanism, surfing and Costa Rica. Under the effects of the powerful energies of the earth and the stars, the two artists gradually metamorphose into druids, on whom time no longer has any effect. JAGUAL is ready to play for the next 26,000 years cosmic cycle.

JAGUAL only release music at key magical moments of the year : full moon, solstice, equinox, portals and only through NFT. This means there is no mp3 sell anywhere. Only NFTs contains the sound (mp3). In short there is just 1 mp3 in the world of each songs.

To learn more about jagual click here :

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Créé le
Mar 2022
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