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(In our) Solitude

This project was born in the context of COVID lockdown, during which the park next to our home became the only place we would go for a walk when we ventured outside.

I've been traveling the world to shoot the most inspiring locations for more than 13 years now. As such being grounded was hard mentally. I needed to express my creativity. So I started shooting in this park, going out of my comfort zone, trying to create beauty from the most mundane place for me. It became a routine, and as months passed I learned to take pictures I liked from those walks, especially when the fog blanketed our neighborhood in mystery

From those cold & humid ventures emerged a powerful series, centered around loneliness. A feeling that transpired from those long months away from our close ones when our world revolved around our apartment and this park.

Yet I want to show that in solitude when everyone is dreaming of a change of scenery, it is possible to find beauty, and thrive right where we are.

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Créé le
Jan 2022
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