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Infinite Minds

Millennia have passed since the dawn of the human civilisation with billions of soul passing through time in this beautiful corner of the Universe and yet, there is a few of them whose memory, accomplishments and contribution to humanity's evolution cannot be unseen.

There are certain moments in the history where the road followed the right path because of these brilliant minds and this Collection is here to honour Them.

Why only 88 you ask? Because what is better than one ∞ ? Two Infinities. And to realise it's all about perspective, try seeing the infinities from a 90 degree angle's perspective. So, if you haven't paid attention tho these Absolutely Brilliant People before, maybe now is the time.

Introducing the Infinite Minds Limited Collection, by Iluvatar

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Créé le
Jul 2021
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Energy: Intuitive