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H. Master Ice Rap and Hip-Hop NFT's

H. Master Ice is a rapper and singer from the Americas. H. Master Ice has operated independently, and is now under the directing of his own company, TwoSq Media.

H. Master Ice is, and was, the embodiment of a rapper's experience and life, in Americas. Only in triumph might H. Master Ice propose his reconciliations of a challenged and disadvantaged natural life. Yet the mastery is in H. Master Ice's conjurations of hope, while in despair; and victories, after defeats.

H. Master Ice has over 200 songs and licensed creative projects recorded, collaborations from The US, Africa, Europe, Puerto Rico, and other parts of the Americas.

By Buying H. Master Ice NFT's now, you are assured of many H. Master Ice licensed projects to be released, under strategic and corporate interest, more, while your H. Master Ice NFT, (bought only originally here) in your possession, increases, as H. Master Ice is propagated onward.

H. Master Ice's NFTs are limited and under a wide scope of media delivery.

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Créé le
Feb 2022
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