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Geographies of Trash: Art Cycling with Ahol Sniffs Glue (GENESIS COLLECTION)

This project, which resonates with Ahol’s aesthetic, brings together discarded objects from around Miami’s cityscape that have been transformed by the artist into works of art, coveted by his followers. As he tags pieces of “garbage”, elevating them to the realm of “art”, Ahol proceeds to photograph them and subsequently post the images on Instagram, enticing his admirers with his latest pieces, and giving limited clues as to where they can be found. If one is lucky enough to figure out the exact location of a single piece, and if they arrive before anyone else makes the discovery, they will be the proud new owner of a unique work of art. These discarded material objects (garbage turned art) reflect Miami’s neighborhood stories: a discarded chair, a broken lamp or perhaps a lonely bicycle tire wheel.

This is a collaboration with the FIU team (Ratcliffe Art + Design Incubator and WPHL) and the artist.

Créé le
Nov 2021
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Found object: Piece of plastic