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Fuck it!

Life can be a shitshow sometimes, a small event can quickly snowball into a disaster. After getting beat up and beat down and having life pile up on top of you.

There comes a point in time when you are no longer care about the outcome because you've hit rock bottom. Things can't possibly get worse... Well sometimes they can and then sometimes you just stop caring and you say FUCK IT!

This collection was created to toss up my middle fingers at all the social media I'm supposed to maintain, all the jobs I'm supposed to work all the money I'm supposed to make. The life I'm supposed to live is much easier said than done. I'm fed up with this systematic approach to life. So Fuck it Life! Let me and my love be free from your stupid system.

Common - 4

Uncommon - 0

Rare - 1

Provably Rare - 0

Super Fucking Rare - 0

Legen-Fucking-Dary - 0

Éléments uniques
Total des éléments
Créé le
Sep 2021
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Perception: 3 to 3