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Fountellion in The Spiral (Origin)

Here are the Origin NFTs (Ethereum 2021+) towards a virtual game concept + natural world (layer 2) simulation.

They are stories, fragments, characters, concepts... both to support and gain access to a community hoping to realise the ideas (see website link to Gitbook). NFTs may be given extra powers relating to the project.

All content is CC0, with No Rights Reserved.

Items here relate to content published in The Origin documents and beyond.
They are for anyone to explore and even expand upon ideas + designs about a game within a n.e.w. / 'green metaverse'. The virtual earth and sky are the limits, but hopefully here are starting points.

Does 'owning' a part of a piece of writing, art etc. mean you've fully understood it, appreciated it, and even helped bring it to life? Perhaps NFT + tags can empower a vision?

Read up, join up, and help find (your) Fountellion...

ade mc @ ade's press
10% royalties (at present).

Éléments uniques
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Créé le
Sep 2021
Revenus de création
  • Nft type: 1