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Rare Art Collection by Famed Cincinnati Mixed-Media Artist Mitch Kaufmann (1960s-1980s)

The late Mitch Kaufmann (d.1988) was a renowned artist and innovator of the 60s and 70s in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was part of a passionate art scene in Cincinnati that was coloring negatives and mixing mediums. He taught art at the University of Cincinnati and Miami University in the 1960s. His art was displayed in galleries throughout that era. His love of psychedelic, modern distortion art won him accolades from the vibrant art community in the area. The edgy look and feel in his paintings and photography are a late 20th-century art collector's dream.

Now his legacy collection is being exclusively minted as NFTs. Your ownership will be exclusive as the collection is unavailable anywhere else even online. We secured this artist's estate, including these transparencies/slides from the family who owned the collection. No known copies remain in circulation.

If you have an interest in buying the entire collection please contact us at GCG (877) 855-6755 including rights beyond the NFT.

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Créé le
May 2021
Revenus de création
  • Era: 70s