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FAKE NEWS! an NFT drop by Stephan van Kuyk

All NFT's from the FAKE NEWS collection comes with a free T-shirt.

Fake News is an NFT collection that explores our relationship with the news how we receive it, consume it, and its influence over society. News plays such a central role in our lives, and yet sometimes we take it for granted, ignoring the struggles previous generations took to get their news. While the internet has helped the dissemination of news, by democratizing access to it, it also made it possible to create and spread your own news, FAKE NEWS, and now we need to face the consequences.

This brings an interesting parallel to the art world, where since the internet, artists are capable of uploading their artwork themselves, building their own audience, and freely selling their work. This is a great change from the previous model, bypassing all the traditional gatekeepers, going even a step beyond with NFT technology. The consequences of this on the art ecosystem are yet to be seen.

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Créé le
Mar 2021
Revenus de création
En pause
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