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  • Éljúðnir -

In Norse mythology, Éljúðnir is Hel's hall located in Niflheim (a realm of primordial ice and cold) and means "sprayed with snowstorms" or "damp with sleet or rain".

Both Arild Heitmann and Stian Klo are born and raised above the Arctic circle, aproximately 68° degrees North. It's no secret that life in the Arctic is dominated by wintery conditions, unstable weather patterns and generally speaking - not a place you go to work on your tan.

This project is a result of about eight years on the road, suffering through the cold, destroying numerous cameras and experiencing frost bites and shrinkage(!) beyond belief.

In a way it's our childhood memories, you know the ones you take for granted as a teenager - portrayed by the adult version of ourselves. We've grown to cherish and love this raw and untamed backyard of ours, and we hope to have done it justice.

Northern Norway - 2013-2021

Créé le
Sep 2021
Revenus de création
  • Time of day: Day