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Elegant Elephant Society

🐘EES is a collection of 7,500 Elegant Elephant NFTs—unique digital collectibles living on the Polygon blockchain. 🐘 JOIN OUR DISCORD FOR MORE UPDATES ON YOUR ELEPHANT! In the beginning... There were lions &there were elephants. 2 species at the top of their food chains. Elephants; majestic gentle giants, the undoubted king of the herbivore species. Lions; scheming, violent & fierce carnivores, respectable for their might and power. On the grasslands a timeless struggle between these 2 kings has played out for thousands of years. Lions taking down the weary & the unaware, the young & old, but the herd carries on. At some point the elephants encountered a strange deposit, & some of those individuals morphed & changed. With this change came a change in their physiology, over time they learned to make tools, & realized that by banding together they could build something, they could protect themselves from the scheming lions. They fought off the lions... The lions were defeated, but...

Créé le
Nov 2021
Revenus de création
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  • Background: Army green