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El Paso Verse

Enter El Paso Verse -- in the 1880s -- Built on the ethereum network.

For El Paso Trading Card Collection - CLICK HERE

#What are El Paso Verse Characters? A limited supply of characters are released with each NFT Motion, and owning one is the only way to see the motion pictures released in El Paso Verse. The rest of the world may never get to see it!

El Paso Verse characters are created from the underlying book, motion picture story line, and actors who portray them. Each character have special skills and traits thereof, for future utility when characters may be used as skin/avatar inside of the El Paso Verse.

--Coming soon--

The El Paso Verse will be a virtual open-world with physical and augmented reality interaction at certain sites globally.

Créé le
Nov 2021
Revenus de création
En pause
  • Regino